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Fundamentals of Programming Logic with Python and Google Colab

Start date: 3 April 2023

Finish date: April 13, 2023

Schedules: 18h00 to 20h30

Timeline:  from Monday 3 to Thursday 6 April, and from Monday 10 to Thursday 13 April


Fundamentals of Programming Logic with Python and Google Colab


Programming is essential in the vast majority of fourth level studies, in areas related to mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, engineering and other areas of knowledge. Gain knowledge of programming logic from scratch, with the fastest growing language in the world. Use these skills in multi-disciplinary projects and create original programs, using data structures, functions, conditionals, loops, and special libraries.

Sustainable development goals

Quality education

Quality education

Objectives and methodology



Teach the basics of programming logic in the Python language with free software tools.

Specific objectives

  • Teach the Google Colab programming environment with the Python programming language.
  • Teach the basics of the Python language from the mathematical point of view.
  • Teach how to use the necessary libraries in areas of knowledge such as linear algebra, calculus, statistics and artificial intelligence.

Course methodology

The course will be taught through face-to-face classes, transmitted in real time by the zoom platform for people who cannot attend because they live outside the city. A tablet will be used as a digital whiteboard for the theoretical part and the free online tool Google Colab for implementation in the programming language Python. The platform moodle It will be used for sending and reviewing assignments, as well as for sharing course material. 


32 hours (20 face-to-face/virtual hours totally synchronous, 12 hours of autonomous work).


Curricular content

The course is made up of 8 sessions where you work on programming logic fundamentals, Python language bases using the free Google Colab tool as a development environment, applications to mathematics and other technical branches.

  1. Google Colab programming environment. Variables and data types. Standard inputs and outputs. Data conversion.
  2. Simple and nested conditionals. Logical operators.
  3. Creation of functions. Parameter passing. loop theory
  4. Data structures in Python. Exercises with lists and dictionaries.
  5. numpy library. Exercises with vectors and matrices
  6. matplotlib and seaborn libraries. Graphics demo.
  7. Exercises applied to mathematics. panda bookstore Import data to Python


Once the activities and requirements for the development of the course have been fulfilled, the participants will receive the certificate of Approval of the blended course “Fundamentals of Programming Logic with Python and Google Colab”, based on what is established in the Regulations of the Continuing Education Department, that is, that the participant obtains a minimum of 70% in the academic evaluation and 80% attendance at face-to-face and synchronous classes.



Graduate students, as well as faculty and career technical professionals who want to add programming components to their assignments or academic sessions



 Ing. Iván Mendoza Vázquez, PhD.


Course sponsored by the University of Azuay for students of postgraduate programs and teaching staff of the UDA, within the framework of the teacher training program.


UDA campus