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Strengthening capacities for research: ethnographic techniques and use of the Zotero bibliographic manager

Start date: 6 February

Finish date: 10 February

Schedule of Monday to Friday from  8h00-10h00


Strengthening capacities for research: ethnographic techniques and use of the Zotero bibliographic manager


With the workshop course on the use of Zotero, participants will be provided with tools to manage information in an orderly manner, as well as knowledge on the proper use of citations and referencing of scientific articles or other sources of information, in APA 7 style.

In the ethnographic techniques module, it is proposed to contribute to researchers from the general inputs of ethnographic research. The main characteristics of ethnography, its principles, method and research techniques will be analyzed.


Have Zotero installed and Word word processor updated.



Sustainable development goals

Quality education

Quality education

Objectives and methodology



Strengthen the investigative capacities of the professors of the University of Azuay

Specific objectives

  • Know the properties and uses of the Zotero bibliographic manager in Word and in Internet search engines.
  • date with zotero
  • Refer with Zotero in an orderly way
  • Bring teachers closer to the method and principles of ethnographic research
  • Know the most used ethnographic techniques and the procedures for their application

Course methodology

Regarding the use of the bibliographic manager, the participants will first learn the process of citing and creating a bibliography with Zotero. After seeing the process, they will practice it on their computer. They will be taught various types of inclusion of sources so that through practice they can manage their bibliographic references in an orderly manner.

In the ethnographic techniques component, the methodological and procedural aspects of ethnography will be shared with the participants, trying to constantly work with examples of the realities faced in field work and the encounter of subjectivities that this implies. In the autonomous work, the participants will apply an ethnographic technique, trying to use their particular case studies.



Duration: 16 hours (10 contact hours, 6 hours of autonomous work)



Module I

What is Zotero

Knowing the interface

Zotero in the cloud

Add-ins with Word word processor

Working in search engines (extensions)

working on the text

font inclusion

Citation (narrative, non-narrative, textual quotation with and without page number)


Module II

Introduction to ethnography

Principles of ethnographic research

Ethics in ethnographic research

field work

The gaze in ethnographic research

Observation: types of observation

The ethnographic interview: types of interviews

life stories

social cartography

Instruments: guides, field journals, photography


Once the activities and requirements for the development of the course have been fulfilled, the participants will receive the certificate of Approval of the blended course: " Ethnographic techniques and use of the Zotero bibliographic manager", based on the provisions of the Regulations of the Department of Continuing Education, that is, that the participant obtains a minimum of 70% in the academic evaluation and 80% attendance at face-to-face classes.



The course is aimed at all researchers and professors at the University of Azuay.


Free course, exclusively for UDA teachers.


UDA campus

Open enrollment