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Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Applied to the Territory

From the 8 to the 31 of March of 2021

Hours: from 18:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m.


Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Applied to the Territory


The rise of technology has gone hand in hand with the use of geographic information. In this sense, it is common to see ordinary users using tools through the internet or mobile applications that involve the use of this type of information. All this boom has a fundamental reason: we live in a "spatial" world, that is, everything that happens on our planet is linked to a location because it happens somewhere and, in addition, having knowledge about that location is also very important; That is why knowing the geographic information, its characteristics, proper treatment and the necessary tools for it, is essential.

Sustainable development goals

Sustainable cities and communities

Sustainable cities and communities

Objectives and methodology

General Objective:

Strengthen the capacities of territorial management at the basic user level on Geographic Information Systems, which allow the creation and strengthening of the basic competences of students in the field of planning and land use planning.

Specific objectives

- Formulate a training program aimed at improving planning capacities for local development.

- Execute the open access program "Introduction to Geographic Information Systems" aimed at improving the planning capacities of local public power officials.

- Develop local development planning expertise for officials of the agencies of the decentralized autonomous sectional regime.

Course methodology:

The topics to be taught have the characteristic of being methodologically sequential and interlinked, in order to advance jointly among the participants their deepening of the theoretical concepts and the practical application with case studies in each module.

The program will be taught in the system thematic units with intervals of thematic readings and activities of self-learning and autonomous work by the participants individually.


Total 40 hours:

10 synchronous hours

20 hours of self-study

10 hours of autonomous work


Theme 1: Introduction: Theoretical foundations on GIS

Theme 2: Vector Layers

Theme 3: Attributes

Theme 4: Add Raster Layers

Theme 5: Limited text layers

Theme 6: Installing plugins

Theme 7: Selection by Expressions

Theme 8: Measurement of distances and areas

Theme 9: Basic mapping


The course is free; In case of requiring certification, the interested party must approve the evaluation process and make the payment of US $ 30,00 in the Treasury


Technical staff and officials of governmental and non-governmental, public and private organizations related to territorial management and development. Technical staff and officials of the different decentralized autonomous governments (GAD). Consultants in the field of territorial development. Related university students interested in the subject (third year) Professionals related and interested in the subject.


Free course; If certification is required, the interested party must approve the evaluation process and make the payment of US $ 30,00 in the Treasury.


Virtual platform of the University of Azuay


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