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Excel Modeling of Strategic Decisions Based on Costs

Dates: Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11, Thursday 12 and Friday 13 October


Excel Modeling of Strategic Decisions Based on Costs


Sustainable development goals

Decent work and economic growth

Decent work and economic growth


  • Constraint-based costing theory and practice.
  • Activity-based costing theory and practice
  • Theory and practice of the return on investment (ROI) equation.
  • Excel modeling of the return on investment equation.
  • Analysis of cost scenarios and their impact on the integrated scorecard.
  • Selection of suitable tactics for the selection of projects with limited budgets.
  • Strategic decision making based on cost tactics.

Instructor: Carlos Mauricio Bernal Rodriguez

  • Civil Engineer, Specialist in Finance and Specialist in Organizational Foresight.
  • Ten years of experience in the subject of cost management of Empresas Públicas de Medellín.
  • Cost advisor in production and service companies.
  • Teacher of various specializations and master's degrees at Colombian universities such as EAFIT, UNINORTE, UPB and Ecuadorian universities such as AZUAY and CUENCA.


Teachers and students UDA: $ 80,00

External: $ 200,00


Professionals related and interested in the subject.


One of the most common strategic objectives that is registered in the strategic plans of companies is related to the minimization of parasitic costs (waste, reprocessing and idle capacity).

Many action plans and their respective strategic projects are put in place to seek the fulfillment of these types of objectives, however, when foreseeing the effects that could be obtained (in the planning stage) and when trying to monitor their progress (in the execution stage) many times there are no practical tools that explain the results (expected or achieved).

Identify a mathematical equation that allows modeling in Excel the cost structure of the company and, on which the modifications in the values ​​of the variables can be easily carried out, and observe the effects that these generate on the utility and profitability of the company. company, becomes a very valuable tool for strategic decision making.

The course proposes to the attendees the creation of an Excel model in which the theories of costs based on constraints and costs based on activities converge, with which they can create scenarios that show the results that would be obtained when implementing tactics aimed at the decrease in parasitic costs that affect companies.

The course is aimed at financial analysts belonging to the areas of business strategic planning, cost management, process management, budget management and commercial management.

In general, the course provides attendees with the basic knowledge to generate cost models and use them in the creation of strategic scenarios that facilitate decision-making.



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More information

Ing. Miriam Briones García: