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Management and Promotion of Territorial Development

Registration: Until Tuesday 21 November 2017


Management and Promotion of Territorial Development


Sustainable development goals

Decent work and economic growth

Decent work and economic growth

Sustainable cities and communities

Sustainable cities and communities


Territorial development

Induction day and adaptation to the virtual platform


Domain of the virtual platform that facilitates the execution of the various modules and the various didactic materials considered.

  1. Knowledge and management of the virtual environment.
  2. Registration of students to the virtual classroom.
  3. Access to each of the contents of the course.

instructors: Ing. Omar Delgado and Dis. Juan Lazo

Workload: 5 face-to-face


Module I: The management and promotion of territorial development.


Understand and reflect on the territorial systemic dynamics that allow the construction of a territorial development approach that enables the generation of innovative problem-solving strategies.


  1. Territorial development, what are we talking about?
  2. Territorial management, approach, structure and principles.
  3. The management and promotion of the territory.
  4. Programmatic structure of territorial management and promotion.

Instructor: Mgt.Jorge Amaya

Workload: 30 Hours: 5 virtual, 20 face-to-face and 5 autonomous work.


Module II: Tools for territorial management


Know about the information available for territorial management, as well as management tools and tools for visualizing geographic information.


  1. Information available for territorial management
  2. Management instruments: cadastre, valuation, regularization of property
  3. Software tools: GeovisorSIGTierras and SNI, SINAT, ArcExplorer

instructors: Ing. Paúl Ochoa, Eng. Diego Pacheco, Ing. Chéster Sellers

Workload: 20 Hours: 15 face-to-face and 5 self-employment


Module III: Governance and territorial participation


Apply knowledge and methodological guidelines on the articulation of territorial actors and resources with the diverse development agendas at different scales.


  1. Territorial governance, concepts, typologies and dimensions.
  2. The programmatic structure of territorial governance for the Ecuadorian case.
  3. Participatory methodologies for territorial planning and management.

instructors: Mgt. Jorge Amaya and Arq.Alicia Tenze

Workload: 40 Hours: 5 virtual, 20 face-to-face and 15 autonomous work


Module IV: Management and territorial public administration


Know and integrate in public management the institutional framework, its guiding principles and operating models, linked to the formulation of territorial policies and strategies at different scales.


  1. The structure, management and organizational behavior.
  2. Legal framework.
  3. Competencies of the levels of the GAD
  4. Stages of land use planning: diagnosis, proposal, management model.
  5. Inputs of territorial planning: physical, social, economic productive, infrastructure, population and human settlements.
  6. The theory of leadership, motivation and management of work teams

instructors:Eco. Fabián Carvallo, Eng. Omar Delgado, Eco. Mario Merchán and Ing. Julia Martínez.

Workload:35 Hours: 5 virtual, 20 face-to-face and 10 hours of autonomous work


Module V: Territorial economic development

(Good practice of territorial development / Field Exit)


Acquire the ability to diagnose and implement systemically economic development strategies capable of creating a culture of territorial management in different sectors.


  1. Principles of socio-economic development for territorial management.
  2. The integration of cultural, social, and urban management in territorial development.
  3. Methodologies for the identification and enhancement of economic impact opportunities in territorial management.
  4. Monitoring and evaluation for economic development (Good practices).

instructors:Eco. Fabián Carvallo

Duration:50 Hours: 10 virtual, 30 face-to-face and 10 hours of autonomous work.


Module VI: The formulation of territorial development projects


I dominate in the application of the logical framework approach in the design and management of territorial development projects.


  1. The territorial development project, strategic elements for its configuration.
  2. The Logical Framework (LFA) approach.
  3. The design of territorial development projects from the EML.
  4. The formulation of territorial development projects from the EML.
  5. The execution, monitoring and evaluation of territorial development projects.
  6. The direction, efficient management, risks and management of resources in territorial development projects.

instructors:Eco. Fabián Carvallo and Mgt. Jorge Amaya

Workload:60 Hours: 10 virtual, 40 face-to-face and 10 hours of autonomous work.


Module VII: Development of the Territorial Development Project


Formulate a territorial development project subject to the contents taught in the different modules analyzed and on the basis of the development plan and order of a municipality of interest.

Tutoring and follow-up session for the finalization of the territorial development project.

instructors:Ing. Julia Martínez, Eco. Fabián Carvallo, Arq. Alicia Tenze, Ing. Omar Delgado and Mgt. Jorge Amaya

Workload:30 Hours: 10 virtual, 10 face-to-face and 10 autonomous work.


Work end of the course

The support will be made with the accompaniment of all instructors.


Approval requirements

  • Evaluation equal to or greater than 70%.
  • Minimum attendance of 80% of face-to-face classes.
  • The approval of each module includes the development of a series of group works articulated by each module developed.
  • For the final approval of the course, the formulation and support of a territorial project will be requested.
  • With the approval of all modules, Universidad del Azuay will issue an Expert Certificate in Management and Promotion of Territorial Development.


Teaching Plant

Academic director: Mgt. Jorge Amaya

Academic coordinator: Eco. Mario Merchán - IERSE



  1. Technical staff of the different decentralized autonomous governments (GAD)
  2. Consultants in the field of territorial development.
  3. Related and interested university students with the subject.
  4. Professionals related and interested in the subject.
  5. Ong'sy Foundations.
  6. Third level title is not required.



Registration: $ 20,00

Tuition: $ 650,00

Payment: Must be in the treasury of the University of Azuay (Hours of operation: 08: 30am to 12: 30 and 15: 00 to 19: 00)

Sign up here


Registrations are closed

More information

Ing. Miriam Briones García:

Mgt.Jorge Amaya: